This C++ class is a good demonstration of Object Orientation in code.
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// definition file for class Radio
#ifndef RADIO_H
#define RADIO_H
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

const bool FM = true;
const bool AM = false;
const bool ON = true;
const bool OFF = false;
const int MIN_VOLUME = 0;
const int MAX_VOLUME = 11; // it goes to eleven!

class Radio
	// constructors:
	Radio(bool b,bool p,double fm,double am,int v);

	// accessors:
	bool getBand();
	bool getPower();
	double getFMStation();
	double getAMStation();
	int getVolume();

	// mutators:
	bool setBand(bool b);
	bool setPower(bool p);
	bool setFMStation(double s);
	bool setAMStation(double s);
	bool setVolume(int v);

	// utility functions:
	void displayRadio();

	bool band; // FM = true, AM = false
	bool power; // on = true, off = false
	double FMstation , AMstation ; // as per norms
	int volume; // 0..11 is the valid range
// Implementation file for class Radio
#include <iostream>
#include "Radio.h"
using namespace std;

// constructors:
	band = FM;
	volume = 4;
	power = OFF;
	FMstation = 88.1;
	AMstation = 530;

bool Radio::setFMStation(double s)
	if((s < 88.1) || (s > 107.9))  // Station's input out of range
		return false;
	if((int(s * 10) % 2) == 0)     // station's .x is even and therefore invalid
		return false;
	FMstation = s;
	return true;
bool Radio::setAMStation(double s)
	if((s &lt; 530) || (s &gt; 1600))
		return false;
	if((int(s) % 10) != 0) // AMstation not divisible by 10 and therefore invalid
		return false;
	AMstation = s;
	return true;

// utility functions:
void Radio::displayRadio()
	cout << "Band = " <<; ((band == FM) ? "FM":"AM") << endl;
	cout &lt;&lt; "Power = " &lt;&lt; ((power == ON) ? "ON":"OFF") &lt;&lt; endl;
	cout &lt;&lt; "FM Station = " &lt;&lt; FMstation &lt;&lt; endl;
	cout &lt;&lt; "AM Station = " &lt;&lt; AMstation &lt;&lt; endl;
	cout &lt;&lt; "Volume = " &lt;&lt; volume &lt;&lt; endl &lt;&lt; endl;

// mutators:
bool Radio::setBand(bool b)
	band = b;
	return true;
bool Radio::setPower(bool p)
	power = p;
	return true;
bool Radio::setVolume(int v)
	if((v < MIN_VOLUME) || (v > MAX_VOLUME))
		return false;
	volume = v;
	return true;
//custom constructor , placed later on purpose.
Radio::Radio(bool b,bool p,double fm,double am,int v) // build a radio with custom defaults
	band = FM;
	power = OFF;
	FMstation = 88.1;
	AMstation = 530;
	volume = 4;
// accessors:
bool Radio::getBand()
	return band;
bool Radio::getPower()
	return power;
double Radio::getFMStation()
	return FMstation;
double Radio::getAMStation()
	return AMstation;
int Radio::getVolume()
	return volume;
// Driver file for class Radio
#include <iostream>
#include "Radio.h"
using namespace std;

//Radio object driver, this file sends the commands that "push the radio buttons" via function calls.

void main()
	Radio myJamBox;              // Build a radio to be referred to as 'myJamBox'.

	myJamBox.displayRadio();     // display myJamBox's current attributes.
	myJamBox.setAMStation(550);  // adjust's myJamBox's AM station to 530
	myJamBox.setPower(ON);       // flips myJamBox's power swith ON
	myJamBox.displayRadio();     // display myJamBox's current attributes.



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